Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hockey Takes A Hit from An A-Hole In ONE.

Tiger Woods, the leading professional golfer in the completely on par with being a first class jerk.

A few days ago Tiger was promoting the PGA tour in Augusta when he made an inexcuseable and unintelligent remark about Hockey. He was asked which team he would be cheering for in the Stanley Cup finals. His response, "I don't really care, let's talk about the Dodgers.--I don't think anyone watches hockey anymore."

Yes, if your jaw dropped, you are correct; the world's foremost golfer-- a sport played by heads of state, kings, queens and diplomats-- is an idiot. Tiger has been known to be tight-lipped about different areas of media interest, i.e. the presidential election, enivornmental concerns, etc. However, he really told us how he felt that day.

Come on Tiger...the Dodgers. If you're going to belittle an amazing, cut-throat, ATHLETIC sport like hockey and then mention baseball, mention a team better than the Dodgers. The Dodgers are 3.5 games back in the league and's the Dodgers. It's like he picked some team at random; like Tiger said, "The dodgers...that's a baseball team right? I'll make a witty remark here."

Well Tiger, let's get a few things straight. First, a few months ago Wayne Gretzky, the GREAT ONE, had nothing but respectful things to say about you and golf in a press conference. I believe what Wayne said was along the lines of "Tiger is a great athlete and golf is really an athletic sport." Obviously a compliment undeserving for Tiger Woods. And earlier this week ESPN asked different professional players from different sports questions about the greatest athletes and sports of today. According to these guys, the most physically demanding sport is 1. Football 2. Basketball 3. Baseball 4. Hockey and 5. Soccer. Did anyone see golf on that list? I didnt either. The rest of these guys have to work out, lift, train, run and do lots of cardio. I'm always amazed that the golfers arent swinging with one hand and having brandy in the other during their tournaments. It's ridiculous. I think all those pro guys like Tiger should have to wear the plaid scot pants we all think about when we think of Golf.

Just for reference, CBS, NBC, and ESPN all reported that there have been improved television ratings for hockey this year, so obviously Mr. Woods has been misinformed or is a complete moron. (My money is on the latter).

I'd like to go on a rant right here about the physical demands of hockey players and site some great players in history...have a Mighty Duck moment and listen to "Dream On" from the Miracle soundtrack...but I'm going to refrain. (Unlike Tiger).

Here's the River Card: Tiger, don't ever run for politics...diplomatic is not a word you could spell.

Anyone want to buy a shirt that says Puck you Tiger? =)

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