Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Team Predictions/ Team Convictions...JAIL!

College football and the pokey... apparently there's a correlation.

Right now, during off-season training everyone is making their predictions and picks for next year's divisions and bowl games, although, I'm not sure how sports writers even have to time to look at stats on these guys because everyone is in the can! Currently, there are more stories on guys who are getting arrested, going to court, getting probation, etc. than there are about BCS contenders. Is anyone else annoyed??

Here are just a few headlines I read on Sports today:
North Dakota RB Ryan Chappell ineligible to play
Razorbacks RB Brandon Barnett arrested
May 17
VT recruit arrested in undercover sting
Police: Florida player used dead girl's credit card

Seriously guys, when do you have time to do all this illegal stuff? Shouldn't you be practicing??

I am a college football fanatic. I love the game, I love the coaches, I love the strategy, the name it. My love for the players is dwindling. This is NOT the NFL fellas. Save your big "I can do anything and get away with anything," attitude for the pros, cause right now, the big game is still about bragging rights. Wear too much jewelry and be a loudmouth when you reach the NFL, heck, at that time you can even cheat on your wives (everyone else in the league does). However, right now, all you need to do is say, "Yes sir!" to coaches, spend some more time in the gym, learn your plays and do some studying for school. You can't get this time in your life back...this is it.

Coaches, cut the players that get in trouble. I don't care if he's a star athlete; if he thinks he can do something illegal and get away with, then it he needs to be cut. In athletics we have consequences...or at least we used to and these guys could use a trip to the woodshed. When I think of college football I want to think about movies like Necessary Roughness...I do not want to think about Any Given Sunday in a college setting... Ridiculously bad acting, even for a Pacino film.

So here's the River Card: Get these guys under control or fold them, because last I checked, we were all wanting stories on how our DB's are shaping up and how the players are stepping up into different roles. Hold em ACCOUNTABLE or Fold em'.

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