Sunday, May 18, 2008

Just an Update...and darn those Rangers!

Do you ever notice that the Rangers are always kicking butt right up until the All-Star game. Then all of a sudden it's like..."Ok, season's over." It's pretty annoying when you're a Texas Rangers fan... I wish those guys would gain some stability and be a playoff team for once. Come on guys! The only good news for the rangers is that they lead the all time series against the Astros...thank God. I hate those guys from H-town.

On a different subject, I was talking to my friends about starting up a weekly poker game again. I really miss playing. Poker isn't like riding a bike...if you don't stay sharp on your game, you lose it. Poker is already half luck/half strategy, so I really think it's time we started playing again. The only problem is we can't play for real money anymore...which stinks. I'm a mommy now and I can't bet away what is ultimately money for Hannah. (not that I lose often) When you don't play for real money people don't really bluff or bluff too much, like it doesn't matter...and that takes all the intensity out of the game. I hate that. I'm open to suggestions if any of you have any ideas.

Things have been a little crazy for me....with the magazine and watching sweet Hannah. I'm trying to pace myself, but most of you know, I'm not any good at that. =) I'm just in constant prayer that I'm going the right direction in my life...following the right path. All of your prayers are welcome and appreciated.

Until next time...Go Spurs! Go Rangers and Cards! And Go Red Raiders (any sport)!!

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