Friday, June 20, 2008

Time to Shine? Or Red Tape?

I don’t want to be a negative Nancy, but I’m worried about our boys in Red. As the proudest member of the Texas Tech Alumni, I want Tech to be Big 12 champs and in a BCS bowl game more than anyone. With the preseason ranking of number 11 in the nation, people keep talking about this being “our year.” Unfortunately, I’m skeptical.

In ever year that I was in college Tech was ranked (at some point in the season) in the top 25. Every year we blew it. The hype, the media coverage…we just couldn’t handle it. Now we have the highest preseason ranking we’ve hand in quite a while and I’m worried it might make for an ill-fated will.

Garnering national media attention are Heisman hopefuls Mike Crabtree and Graham Harrell, not to mention 16 other returning starters. ESPN and Fox sports continue to comment on the five linemen returning to protect Harrell and the spread offense that Tech so dearly loves. Also, everyone has noticed the defense has improved, and those guys are coming back to be Tech’s own wrecking crew. We hope.

Here’s where it breaks down:

Graham Harrell completed 71.8 % of his passes last year…pretty damn good. We had the number one offense in the nation again last year…but nothing to show for it. This guy is the son of a coach and he knows and understands the game. My only problem with our fearless leader is fear. He’s afraid to get hit. He’s not a scrambler by a long shot and it kills me because he’s obviously one of the most talented QB’s the game right now. The guy’s got a cannon and I’m ready for him to use it, but on the days where we play teams that know how to defend against the spread, we need to know he won’t think twice about running it up there and gaining some yards for the home team.

Mike Crabtree. What can be said about this guy that hasn’t already been said? He had the best freshman season of any freshman in NCAA history. Having said that, let go of the hype. This guy is amazing, sure, but it’s time to deal with the pressure. Every team in the nation knows this is going to be our go-to guy and they will defend him that way. Can he make the big plays? You would think so, but I’m reminded of a loss to OSU last season where he was all by himself in the zone and dropped a perfect pass…cost was the game. Obviously it would have been a heroic win and another notch in our belt of credibility as a Big 12 gun. I just hope his head isn’t too swollen from the media coverage and we can get everything we need from this guy.

Defense. Defense. Defense. Eight guys are returning this season to be our Tech Swarm and I’m hoping they’ve really matured over the spring. ESPN has been quoted many times in saying that Tech’s defense improved down the stretch of last year’s season and this year they are expected to be closer to the top of their game. It’s no secret that Tech is an offensive team and our lack of defensive strategy has kept us from being major contenders in the nation. If you have the best offense in the nation AND the worst defense in the nation you don’t finish at the top.

So here’s the River Card: We’ve got the guys and we’ve got the goods…but maybe knowing that will be the difference between being good and being great. There’s a lot of pressure on our boys. It’s like everyone knows what we have in our hand and they’re waiting for that river card to see if we get lucky. We’re holding good cards, but we’re going to need some luck too. My guess? The Red Raider in me knows that when that card is turned over we’ll have the best hand on the table. It really is our time, so get your guns up and support what will probably be the best Texas Tech team of the decade.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Hockey Takes A Hit from An A-Hole In ONE.

Tiger Woods, the leading professional golfer in the completely on par with being a first class jerk.

A few days ago Tiger was promoting the PGA tour in Augusta when he made an inexcuseable and unintelligent remark about Hockey. He was asked which team he would be cheering for in the Stanley Cup finals. His response, "I don't really care, let's talk about the Dodgers.--I don't think anyone watches hockey anymore."

Yes, if your jaw dropped, you are correct; the world's foremost golfer-- a sport played by heads of state, kings, queens and diplomats-- is an idiot. Tiger has been known to be tight-lipped about different areas of media interest, i.e. the presidential election, enivornmental concerns, etc. However, he really told us how he felt that day.

Come on Tiger...the Dodgers. If you're going to belittle an amazing, cut-throat, ATHLETIC sport like hockey and then mention baseball, mention a team better than the Dodgers. The Dodgers are 3.5 games back in the league and's the Dodgers. It's like he picked some team at random; like Tiger said, "The dodgers...that's a baseball team right? I'll make a witty remark here."

Well Tiger, let's get a few things straight. First, a few months ago Wayne Gretzky, the GREAT ONE, had nothing but respectful things to say about you and golf in a press conference. I believe what Wayne said was along the lines of "Tiger is a great athlete and golf is really an athletic sport." Obviously a compliment undeserving for Tiger Woods. And earlier this week ESPN asked different professional players from different sports questions about the greatest athletes and sports of today. According to these guys, the most physically demanding sport is 1. Football 2. Basketball 3. Baseball 4. Hockey and 5. Soccer. Did anyone see golf on that list? I didnt either. The rest of these guys have to work out, lift, train, run and do lots of cardio. I'm always amazed that the golfers arent swinging with one hand and having brandy in the other during their tournaments. It's ridiculous. I think all those pro guys like Tiger should have to wear the plaid scot pants we all think about when we think of Golf.

Just for reference, CBS, NBC, and ESPN all reported that there have been improved television ratings for hockey this year, so obviously Mr. Woods has been misinformed or is a complete moron. (My money is on the latter).

I'd like to go on a rant right here about the physical demands of hockey players and site some great players in history...have a Mighty Duck moment and listen to "Dream On" from the Miracle soundtrack...but I'm going to refrain. (Unlike Tiger).

Here's the River Card: Tiger, don't ever run for politics...diplomatic is not a word you could spell.

Anyone want to buy a shirt that says Puck you Tiger? =)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Team Predictions/ Team Convictions...JAIL!

College football and the pokey... apparently there's a correlation.

Right now, during off-season training everyone is making their predictions and picks for next year's divisions and bowl games, although, I'm not sure how sports writers even have to time to look at stats on these guys because everyone is in the can! Currently, there are more stories on guys who are getting arrested, going to court, getting probation, etc. than there are about BCS contenders. Is anyone else annoyed??

Here are just a few headlines I read on Sports today:
North Dakota RB Ryan Chappell ineligible to play
Razorbacks RB Brandon Barnett arrested
May 17
VT recruit arrested in undercover sting
Police: Florida player used dead girl's credit card

Seriously guys, when do you have time to do all this illegal stuff? Shouldn't you be practicing??

I am a college football fanatic. I love the game, I love the coaches, I love the strategy, the name it. My love for the players is dwindling. This is NOT the NFL fellas. Save your big "I can do anything and get away with anything," attitude for the pros, cause right now, the big game is still about bragging rights. Wear too much jewelry and be a loudmouth when you reach the NFL, heck, at that time you can even cheat on your wives (everyone else in the league does). However, right now, all you need to do is say, "Yes sir!" to coaches, spend some more time in the gym, learn your plays and do some studying for school. You can't get this time in your life back...this is it.

Coaches, cut the players that get in trouble. I don't care if he's a star athlete; if he thinks he can do something illegal and get away with, then it he needs to be cut. In athletics we have consequences...or at least we used to and these guys could use a trip to the woodshed. When I think of college football I want to think about movies like Necessary Roughness...I do not want to think about Any Given Sunday in a college setting... Ridiculously bad acting, even for a Pacino film.

So here's the River Card: Get these guys under control or fold them, because last I checked, we were all wanting stories on how our DB's are shaping up and how the players are stepping up into different roles. Hold em ACCOUNTABLE or Fold em'.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just an update.

Childcare is not something I'm willing to gamble on. It's not a "roll of the dice," situation for me. Currently, I'm searching for new childcare for Hannah and it has not been an easy task. Prayers in this matter are absolutely needed and very much appreciated.

The spurs beat out New Orleans! It absolutely made my day, although I never doubted for a minute that they would be there. Pop is really leading his men to victory and I'm going to watch the whole way. A friend in the newsroom told me that he wouldn't watch the NBA finals because only "boring teams" would be there. I happen to think that if you have a winning program, you should expect to win and people should expect you to speaks for itself. =)

Tonight is the end of my high rollers league in bowling. Do you ever notice bowling is a seriously blue-collar sport, but all the high rollers make a lot of money? On average, with league fees, I spend about $30 a week on bowling. That's a lot of money when you're poor, particularly when you're poor and need to put gas in the car. The high rollers, however, aren't your blue collar bowlers...they pay off all of their bowling when the league starts-- and for those of you who don't know, fall leagues last an average of 34 weeks. Anyway, it's the position round (the round that determines what place my team will come in) and I'm hoping that we'll be whoopin' some butt! My team name is Double Threat and are we ever! Next week, after everything's been tallied, we'll make money based on our place. Here we come 4th! (There's no way we would have been in the top's those high rollers I was telling you about). 4th out of 25 teams is pretty good...

This was just an update. I'll be more insightful on a particular subject in my next blog. Until next time...God bless you and yours.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Just an Update...and darn those Rangers!

Do you ever notice that the Rangers are always kicking butt right up until the All-Star game. Then all of a sudden it's like..."Ok, season's over." It's pretty annoying when you're a Texas Rangers fan... I wish those guys would gain some stability and be a playoff team for once. Come on guys! The only good news for the rangers is that they lead the all time series against the Astros...thank God. I hate those guys from H-town.

On a different subject, I was talking to my friends about starting up a weekly poker game again. I really miss playing. Poker isn't like riding a bike...if you don't stay sharp on your game, you lose it. Poker is already half luck/half strategy, so I really think it's time we started playing again. The only problem is we can't play for real money anymore...which stinks. I'm a mommy now and I can't bet away what is ultimately money for Hannah. (not that I lose often) When you don't play for real money people don't really bluff or bluff too much, like it doesn't matter...and that takes all the intensity out of the game. I hate that. I'm open to suggestions if any of you have any ideas.

Things have been a little crazy for me....with the magazine and watching sweet Hannah. I'm trying to pace myself, but most of you know, I'm not any good at that. =) I'm just in constant prayer that I'm going the right direction in my life...following the right path. All of your prayers are welcome and appreciated.

Until next time...Go Spurs! Go Rangers and Cards! And Go Red Raiders (any sport)!!